Intesa Sanpaolo for 37TFF

For the thirteenth year Intesa Sanpaolo will be the main sponsor of Torino Film Festival.

In order to underline the support to the Festival, tonight, at the Intesa Sanpaolo building, it will happen the debut of documentary Vaccini. 9 lezioni di scienza, directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi and produced by Fondazione Meyer and Betty Wrong. An introducion by the director and #TFF37 director Emanuela Martini, then a panel with specialists.

VACCINI. 9 LEZIONI DI SCIENZA (Italy, 2019, 60′) by Elisabetta Sgarbi.

What are vaccines, how do they work, how were they born, if we take too many or few, if they can have side effects, what relationship do they have with the great theme of immigration, if we are properly informed or if false news hang over them and how is it done? They can avoid: they are just some of the themes that nine men of science face, in as many playful and eclectic “lessons,” in this documentary that does not intend to open a debate on the issue of vaccines, if anything, it intends to close it definitively, putting science at the center.

This event, suitable for an adult audience, was organized by Torino Film Festival and Intesa Sanpaolo with the cooperation of Fondazione per la Cultura Torino.

Free admission and subject to availability with online booking at . Pass owners from 5 pm untill 6 pm. Waiting list on place in case of free seats.


