

This section features the archive of all the news items published by the Torino Film Festival.

The elements on view are in decreasing chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. Click on the article of interest to access the entire content.

The Torino Film Festival participates in the 15th edition of the national literary competition Lingua Madre, a permanent project of…
Lietta Tornabuoni, Festival Correspondent is the title of the tribute dedicated to the memorable and unforgotten exponent of Italian journalism.…

Torino Goes To Paris

Film Commission Torino Piemonte e Torino Film Festival hanno collaborato per realizzare il progetto “Torino Goes To ….”. L’iniziativa prevede,…
These are the official numbers of the 2019 edition of Torino Film Festival: 61,000 spectators; 2,090 accreditations (press and professional/industry);…
This is the program of the 37TFF’s movies’ repeats for tomorrow Sunday Dec. 1st at Cinema Massimo: SALA CABIRIA h.…