42TFF – Collateral Awards


Acquisition of web and free TV rights for Italy.
Best film in the Short Film Competition goes to:

DUE SORELLE by Antonio De Palo
With the following motivation: “A movie that lets you feel the cold and torment of women who have been reduced to slavery by the people who, instead, were supposed to protect them; a star turn by the protagonists, who give no quarter as they portray this evil but leave us hope for their freedom.”


Best film in the Feature Film Competition
The Jury of TorinoSette readers, composed of Tina Valerio, Cristiana Peyla, Elena Genovesio, Paola Giachello, and Beatrice Berton, unanimously assign the Achille Valdata Award for best feature film to:

L’AIGUILLE by Abdelhamid Bouchnack
With the following motivation: “For its great universality. It is a beautiful, brave, and moving film about a topic that isn’t often seen in fiction movies: intersexuality.”


Once again, Scuola Holden students have attended the screenings of the 42nd Torino Film Festival and have assigned the Award for best screenplay to one of the competing feature films. The jury’s work was coordinated by Prof. Benedetti.

The students have assigned the Award for best screenplay to:

L’AIGUILLE by Abdelhamid Bouchnack
With the following motivation: “Thanks to intense drama that evolves through actions, dialogue that is never banal, and parapraxes, the movie portrays a powerful conflict that affects all the characters. The directing enhances a screenplay that modulates its register, from irony to drama, and keeps the spectators glued to their seats until the final scene. A paean to the freedom of self-determination despite all obstacles.”

And they award two Special Mentions to:
UNDER THE GREY SKY by Mara Tamkovich
PONYBOI by Esteban Arango


The jury – composed of Loredana Arcidiacono, Dario Carlo Cambiano, Eleonora Camerlo, Melissa Camerlo, Matteo Damiani, Umberto Fulcheri, Anna Monteccone, and Isabella Piscopo – of the 42nd edition of the award, which is assigned by the Study Centre “Sereno Regis” (Turin) to the movie that best interprets Gandhi’s world view, confers the Occhiali di Gandhi Award to:

FROM GROUND ZERO by VV.AA., created by Rashid Masharawi
With the following motivation: “For knowing how to look beyond revenge, beyond the daily injustice people endure, with a plurality of languages that portray the resistance of the Palestine people through the creative act and the joy of being together: for its ability to recount the atrocity of daily life without ever transmitting messages of hate.”

And they award a Special Mention to:

L’AIGUILLE by Abdelhamid Bouchnack
With the following motivation: “Because it denounces the unjust reality that intersex people, deprived of the right to choose their own identity, almost always experience. For the power with which it involves spectators in a deeply divisive topic; because it reveals the many prejudices that permeate our society.


The Jury of Interfedi, promoted by the Waldensian Church and the Jewish Community of Turin, with the patronage of the Interfedi Committee of the City of Turin, and composed of Anna Coisson (Waldensian Church), Violet Kimiaee (Jewish Community), and Walter Nuzzo (Interfedi Committee), award the 11th “Award for the respect of minorities and secularity” to the movie:

L’AIGUILLE by Abdelhamid Bouchnack
With the following motivation: “It very effectively underlines people’s fundamental right to self-determination, it denounces discrimination inflicted by a society founded on stereotypes and prejudices, and it calls for the individual responsibility of faith, without searching for answers that are ready-made by the religion of belonging.”


